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Linear Perspective

I like to think of linear perspective as one of the great tricks artists use to create a sense of space. Linear perspective creates the illusion of depth on a flat surface by following a system of rules. 


Watch the video below!

Project: Themed City

Learning Target: 

After choosing a theme, I can create a realistic cityscape using one-point perspective and include the criteria provided.

Now that you know a little more about linear perspective, let's create our own illusion of depth by drawing a city! But not an ordinary city... oh no... Our cities will have a theme chosen by you!


Check out the artwork to the right. This student chose a "Candy" theme. Your theme can be anything you like. Some examples would include Video Games, Ice Cream, Sports, Art Supplies. What theme will you choose?

Themed City Student Example.jpg

Next, follow this link to get started on your own Themed City. We will be practicing linear perspective before creating our final drawings, so don't worry! You've got this.

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